Hindu Matters In Britain - For British Hindus

Our Campaigns

Issues to write to your MP and local authority


1. Remove the term "Asians" with the ongoing sex grooming crimes.

The term "Asians" is a very broad and vague term and it’s besmirched to other communities. The involvement of particular community people does not qualify the media to use it for such heinous crimes.

For the sake of political correctness, the police and public authorities are using the term “Asians”? Sarah Champion on writing for the notion not to use term "Asians" had to resign. She states rapes are not indulged in a particular community but thinking white girls are trash is a mind-set of a particular community.

Writing "Asians" creates hatred for other innocent communities and results in changing facts and creates false opinions for other groups of people.


2. Seek Greater Representation in the Public Arena.

Hindus in the U.K do not write about issues that are affecting the community. This is one of the reasons Hindu community are underrepresented in Parliament compare to other faith where everyone often sends emails to their local MP and acknowledge the issues they are facing and this is further discussed in the parliament.


3. Hinduphobia.

Discrimination against Hindus via action/writing should make criminal offences.


4. Sexgrooming.

To seek the protection of Hindus against Grooming, Radicalisation in the U.K


5. Caste.

The issue of Caste is very sensitive and complicated. To remove the usage of term Caste in the Equality Act 2010.


6. Places of Worship Security.

Provide security to our place of Worship.


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